About ISO2ACT …
We want to make working with ISO management systems and VCA as easy as possible for organizations. Our passion is therefore continuous improvement. You know PDCA; Plan Do Check Act.
Yes, beautiful you will say: “And all that hassle around it?”. Correct! Whether it’s paper documents or digital files … how do you solve that.
Correct! That is why we rolled up our sleeves together. Working together with our developers from CLEARIS . With one goal: To develop a scalable and affordable application for ISO and VCA for SMEs from small to large to support business operations.
Our challenge.
The result is the complete Cloud Web application ISO2ACT. Developed on MENDIX, the worldwide standard low-code development platform. Stable and following the latest techniques. No worries for you about maintenance, installing updates, hardware and so on. The current software, with best practices, is always available.
Sincerely , TEAM ISO2ACT
ISO2ACT makes it easy for you to have an integrated management system to set up and keep alive to support your business. “From reporting to improving”
Wherever you are – at the company, at customer location, at a relationship, at home or on the road – it doesn’t matter. time? No problem. Equipment? Take your pick: PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Any place, any time and with any common equipment.
Multilingual: Standard choice of Dutch, English and German.
You can quickly and easily post notifications on the road or on location. Possibly supplemented with photos or video taken on the spot. It is no problem to further elaborate or have it completed in the office or elsewhere.
Our Cloud application promotes and structures the reporting of complaints, deviations, incidents and improvement proposals. In addition, you directly register customer satisfaction reviews, supplier reviews, workplace inspections and audits. A sophisticated workflow streamlines solving/handling, root cause analysis, action and evaluation.
Managing actions – remedial actions, corrective actions after analysis of complaint/internal deviation or incident, improvement measures – is the core of ISO2ACT.
Registering without acting is a pretty pointless event. ISO2ACT is specifically aimed at acting.
ACTNOVUM or one of our partners will gladly give you a demo. This gives you insight into what ISO2ACT can mean for your organization.
We will discuss your wishes in advance in a personal meeting. We can then provide you with a demo tailored to your situation. This can be done on location or remotely online.