ISO2ACT at National Quality Congress 2018

ISO2ACT at National Quality Congress 2018Deelname ISO2ACT aan Nationaal Kwaliteitscongres 2018

The seminar National Quality Congress 2018, organized by VakMediaNet, will be held on Thursday 31 May 2018 in Burgers’ Zoo in Arnhem. You’re coming too, right?

As a quality professional you are responsible for the quality of and in your organization.
But how do you really ensure meaningful quality management and how do you make a difference?
How do you use your own qualities, enthusiasm and personal experience? And how do you provide the right energy, get the best out of your people and create impact together?

On May 31 you will receive an answer with attention to:

  • Thinking in – and working on – new dynamics
  • Organizing work differently, quality systems and improvement models
  • Experience the importance of networks and good teams, behavior and culture (skills and change competences)
  • The power of sustainability. Circular entrepreneurship: now or never
  • How can technology and IoT improve the quality of life, optimize processes and contribute to an excellent customer experience.

We, from ACTNOVUM BV, cordially invite you to visit our stand and get to know us and our product ISO 2 ACT. The Cloud application for ISO and VCA.ISO2ACT de Cloudapplicatie voor ISO en VCA op Nationaal Kwaliteitscongres 2018

Do you want an overview and insight to facilitate continuous improvement and make it easily demonstrable? ISO2ACT is then the instrument to let your ISO management system contribute actively to your business operations. Set up from practice.
ISO2ACT “from reporting to improving” via a sophisticated workflow.

  • Report
  • Document
  • To inform
  • Act
  • Improve

ISO2ACT benefits

  • One view: available regardless of time, place and device
  • Time saving: reporting quickly and processing efficiently via workflow
  • Prevents searching: no more loose forms and information files
  • Insight and demonstrability: effective operational and management information
  • Developments: additions and improvements immediately available in the Cloud
  • Cost savings: no initial investment and no maintenance costs

Product information:

For more information about the National Quality Congress and direct registration, go to the info page at sigmaonline .
We look forward to seeing you!

kaart locatie Burgers'Zoo Nationaal Kwaliteitscongres 2018

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