Particle element
Particle element

Notifications issues

For a quick recording of an issue, we know the special shortened workflow ‘quick notification’. You can then complete the registration later and proceed with the normal workflow.

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Standard notifications

You can register the following notifications in ISO2ACT:

  • (Customer) Complaints (reported by customers or suppliers regarding their own organization)
  • Internal deviations (direct and indirect processes)
  • Supplier Variances
  • Improvement proposals
  • Accidents
  • Incidents (arbo, environment, infrastructure)


The reports are handled via a standardized workflow based on the Plan Do Check Act.

  1. Capture details and attachments
  2. Judge
  3. Resolve / resolve through corrective (remedial) action(s)
  4. Analyze cause and determine possible corrective measure(s) to prevent recurrence

Example message:

Image link

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