So you don’t need locally installed software. It is important that you use a recent version of the browser on your computer.
You always automatically use the latest software. With a new release, your application manager will be notified in advance. Your application manager informs the users of additions and changes.
ISO2ACT consists of 2 modules: ISO and VCA. Depending on your subscription, you may or may not have the VCA items available.
The basic layout has been worked out during the implementation. Progressive insight can make adjustments desirable or necessary. The own application manager for ISO2ACT can provide this within the standard options.
Plan Do Check Act is the starting point for the workflow in ISO2ACT. Action management is therefore central.
The balance in the new management systems has shifted from documented information to leadership, from describing to doing. Demonstrable involvement of board and management is required. The emphasis is on making the results demonstrable. Does the system work, what has it contributed now? Not a digital tiger but a living system. That’s what we stand for.
ISO2ACT facilitates a living integral management system. Quickly report, complete registration, assess/solve, analyze cause, take corrective measures, manage actions and finally evaluate. The process steps for continuous improvement in the line of PDCA.
Managing actions – remedial actions, corrective actions after analysis of complaint/internal deviation or incident, improvement measures – is the core of ISO2ACT.
Registering without acting is a pretty pointless event. ISO2ACT is specifically aimed at acting.
ISO2ACT can be set up flexibly and company-specifically in many matters. In this way you obtain a system that provides you with the relevant information.
This requires a thoughtful implementation. We will tackle that together. This way you get a good start. You do some preliminary work on our instructions. By default, the implementation of ISO2ACT takes one day.
We follow the principle of train the trainer. After implementation, the administrator, usually the quality coordinator/manager, has the knowledge to further roll out ISO2ACT. Do you want further support after the implementation? That is possible.
Perhaps you would like to get even more out of our application after implementation? We offer in-house training for the users in your organization.
An in-depth course for the manager/quality officer is also possible.
The instruction/training can be general, tailored to your organization, but also specific for user groups.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
ISO2ACT for easy certification and maintaining the certifications also save on costs